Griselda is an American crime drama TV series based on the life of notorious cocaine trafficker Griselda Blanco. Produced by Eric Newman and Sofía Vergara, the crime biography will premiere on Netflix on January 25, 2024. Directed by Andrés Baiz, the Criselda Netflix series is the real-life show of an ambitious Colombian businesswoman.
Genre | Biography, crime drama |
Based on | Griselda Blanco, cocaine trafficker |
Tagline | A woman of substance |
Director | Andrés Baiz |
Language | English, Spanish |
Produced by | Eric Newman and Sofía Vergara |
Stars | Sofía Vergara, Alberto Guerra, and Juliana Aidén Martinez |
Release date | January 25, 2024 |
Music by | Carlos Rafael Rivera |
Writer | Doug Miro and Ingrid Escajeda |
Network | Netflix |
Country of origin | United States |
Cast of Griselda Netflix drama
Alberto Ammann as Alberto Bravo | |
Alberto Guerra as Darío Sepúlveda | |
Camilo Jiménez Varón as Rafa Salazar | |
Christian Tappan as Arturo Mesa | |
Diego Trujillo as German Panesso | |
Gabriel Sloyer as Raul Diaz | |
José Zúñiga as Amilcar | |
Juliana Aidén Martinez as June Hawkins | |
Julieth Restrepo as Marta Ochoa | |
Karol G as Carla | |
Martin Rodriguez as Jorge “Rivi” Ayala-Rivera | |
Maximiliano Hernández as Papo Mejia | |
Paulina Dávila as Carmen Gutiérrez | |
Sofía Vergara as Griselda Blanco | |
Vanessa Ferlito as Isabel |
Plot (What is Griselda based on?)
Netflix crime drama Griselda highlights the real-life story of notorious drug trafficker Griselda Blanco. Based on the life of Griselda Blanco, the Netflix miniseries shows how Blanco became the Godmother of the cocaine drug trade. It is one of the highly awaited crime series depicting the character sketch of the notorious drug kingpin.
Release date of Criselda Netflix
January 25, 2024 on Netflix
How can I watch Griselda?
On Netflix.