American singing competition TV series American Idol is returning for its 22nd season on ABC, where selected contestants from across America will participate in the search for a superstar. It will be the 7th season on Based on a British music competition television series Pop Idol, the singing talent show was created by Simon Fuller. American Idol 2024 will be the 22nd season of the show.
Season | 22 |
Host | Ryan Seacrest |
Judges | Luke Bryan, Katy Perry, and Lionel Richie |
Premiere | February 18, 2024 |
Where to Watch | ABC and Hulu |
American Idol 2024 judges
This season’s judges are Luke Bryan, Katy Perry, and Lionel Richie. They will guide the contestants through various rounds, like Hollywood Week, to narrow down the competition.
American Idol Season 22 premiere
The release date for season 22 is February 18, 2024.
Where to Watch
Sundays at 8 PM ET on ABC, or stream on Hulu the next day.
Contestants on American Idol Season 22
Out of these contestants, only twelve will make it to the list of finalists (six men and six women) to compete in a singing contest.
Abi Carter | |
Jack Blocker | |
Ava Nicole Frances | |
Blake Proehl | |
Cate Garner | |
Nya | |
Hunter Behrman | |
Emmy Russel | |
Hailey Mia | |
Julia Gagnon | |
Jayna Elise | |
Mackenzie Sol | |
McKenna Breinholt | |
Jordan Anthony | |
Odell Bunton Jr. | |
Quintavious Johnson | |
Mia Matthews | |
Ricky Moyer | |
Will Moseley | |
Roman Collins | |
Kaibrienne Richins |
American Idol FAQs
What is the platinum ticket on the American Idol audition?
A platinum ticket is an award that allows an American Idol contestant in the audition to skip the first round of the signing show and enter into round two directly. It also means that the contestant will upgrade from gold to platinum. Only three people are awarded platinum tickets. The 22nd season has Abi Carter and Odell Bunton Jr. as the winners of the platinum ticket.